Establishing The Directory Tree

At this stage, we will assume that you have somehow obtained a set of files that are supposed to be FunnelWeb, and that they are sitting on a disk on the machine on which you wish to compile and install FunnelWeb.

The first thing you have to do is to make sure that the FunnelWeb directory tree has been correctly unpacked. The directory tree should look like this.

   fwdir       - Root FunnelWeb directory.
      admin    - Administrative files.
      answers  - Answers to test suite.
      hackman  - FunnelWeb Hacker's Manual.
      results  - For test results.
      scripts  - Test scripts.
      sources  - Source code.
      tests    - Test suite.
      userman  - FunnelWeb User's Manual.

The following sections describe the contents of each directory in alphabetical order. Check the contents to make sure that you have everything. Do not become fussed if your configuration is not quite as specified as it is very easy for installation guides such as this one to go out of date as minor last minute changes and updates are made to the distribution kit. Check the source from which you obtained the kit, and if it is different too, proceed.
